I thank my family unit….Julia Fielder, the incredible Taylor Fielder. Mango & Chutney. xxx
To Anthony Groves who took a massive chance taking on a 17yr old hopeful who came knocking, full of enthusiasm but little else and taught me the importance of typography, design detail and that it really was possible to work at a drawing board and remain creative for 24hrs solid. To the legend that is Graham Melling for being the best boss (88-91) and business educator anyone could wish for – if it wasnt for one of the most severe commercial recessions seen in recent times we’d still be there! To Peter Brown who opened doors and kicked my a*se into starting my own business in ’93. To Janet Curtis for years of trust and incredible opportunities to work on so many great publications. To Karen Rogers who has become the best friend, client and business aquantance anyone could ask for – your continued belief and trust in me is monumental and relentless.
And thanks to all those out there that have given me the belief that what doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger and sometimes things are certainly worth fighting for.
The images used on this website are either: a) Property of Studio67 or b) Stock library images. Details are as follows:
Home: Image taken at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, Tottenham High Road, London by Taylor Fielder, May 2019; Four link roundels relative to the respective pages; Company logos are copyright of their respective owners. Portfolio: Stock library images modified by Studio67. Logos: Stock library image modified by Studio67. Everything Else: Stock library images modified by Studio67; Company logos were all designed by Studio67 and are copyright of their respective owners. Print: Stock library images modified by Studio67. Services: Stock library image modified by Studio67 using actual Studio67 work; Four icons drawn and developed by Studio67; Start-up pack shot developed by Studio67. About: Studio67 image taken at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, Tottenham High Road, London by Taylor Fielder, May 2019. Five team images copyright of their respective owners. Global: Stock library image modified by Studio67; Map drawn and developed by Studio67. Testimonials: Stock library image modified by Studio67. Contact: Studio67 image taken at Pizza East, Portobello Road, London by Cary Fielder, October 2017.
Special thanks to all those that have made Studio67 a reality – you will all know the input you had. :-). For my print, web and exhibition partners that keep the standards as high as possible. To the amazing clients of s67 that show daily loyalty and that create the space for us to work as friends at all times.
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